more info abt you I really really really love slenderverses and if you ever recommended me one I will watch it or watch it w/ u bc I really like watching it with people or watching some stuff by myself :3

BYF Its in my spacehey blog but I just rather talk on discord and I don't talk much because I am nervous to talk to ppl sometimes and I get heavily attached to people sometimes that I start to feel bad if I ignore some1

DFI Basic Dni/Dfi, if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, a proshipper/comshipper, 30+(EW??), Romanticize/Idolize killers, etc etc you are NOT allowed obviously

other info i don't call that much bc my parents are really REALLY strict

other info I would yap a lot abt my fav characters and kinnies :3